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Pre-congress Workshops

The pre-congress workshops are exclusively for Congress participants.

However, if available slots remain open, reservation requests from non-participants will be reviewed on an individual basis.

Course on Transoral and Transnasal Microsurgery

Date: 7 May 2025
Time: 9:00–17:00
Place: Warsaw Hall IV. (Level WH- 1st floor), Hilton Warsaw City hotel
Price: 50 EUR incl. coffee breaks and materials
Capacity: 40–50 participants
Responsible Moderators: Prof. Antoine Giovanni (France), Prof. Marc Remacle (Luxembourg)

This workshop offers a hands-on introduction to key surgical procedures performed under microlaryngoscopy, including biopsies, polyp resections with cold instruments and/or laser, cordectomy type I, and injections. Additionally, techniques using a working channel fibroscope for local anesthesia, biopsies, laser treatments, and injections will be explored. Led by Prof. Marc Remacle (Luxembourg) and Prof. Antoine Giovanni (France), this session presents a unique opportunity to practice with cutting-edge equipment, such as the new Storz Exoscope and Ambu fibroscope, on single-use 3D-printed polymer vocal cords. Participants will benefit from direct supervision of world-wide renowned expert surgeons in the field.


Instructional Course Injection and Augumentations

Date: 7 May 2025
Time: 10:00–13:00
Place: Light Room + Meeting Rooms 4,6,8 (Level M2- 2nd floor), Hilton Warsaw City hotel
Price: 65 EUR incl. coffee breaks and materials
Capacity: 40–50 participants
Responsible Moderators: Prof. Dr. Markus Hess (Germany), Ahmed Geneid (Helsinki), Yakubu Karagama (London), Dr. Michal Zábrodský (Czech Republic)

This instructional course will highlight laryngeal injection techniques in office space procedures, and surgery in general anesthesia. The larynx has many regions that need to be precisely targeted with injectables for various regions. On the one hand, we have the important technique of injection. Larino plasty for medicalizing one or two vocal folds. Furthermore, injections with pharmaceutical agents, such as steroids or botulinum t need to be placed with exact doses and location. This instructional course covers all injection approaches in the office as well as in the OR, thus including nasal, trans, oral and percutaneous techniques. The attendees will learn which approach and cannula sizes might fit best for the various indications. Hands on training enables to improve manual skills. Selected cases will be demonstrated with video footage. Case reports exemplify surgical outcomes. Complications will be addressed. The tutors will allot enough time for questions and answers.

Instructional Course Blue Light Laser in Laryngology

Date: 7 May 2025
Time: 14:00–17:00
Place: Light Room + Meeting Rooms 4,6,8 (Level M2- 2nd floor), Hilton Warsaw City hotel
Price: 65 EUR incl. coffee breaks and materials
Capacity: 40–50 participants
Responsible Moderators: Prof. Dr. Markus Hess (Germany), Ahmed Geneid (Helsinki), Yakubu Karagama (London), Dr. Michal Zábrodský (Czech Republic)

Fiber-guided lasers in laryngology have developed in the past years. The blue light laser has taken over in many applications where PDL and KTP lasers were used in the past. This instructional course will highlight the advantages of the fiber-guided blue light laser and its applications in laryngology. Indications and contraindications for its use in general anesthesia and in unsedated office-based interventions will be addressed. The specific feature of photoangiolysis, as well as blue light lasers used for tissue cutting, will be demonstrated. A special focus will be set on power settings and tissue effects. Participants will learn how to handle glass fibers as well as how to use them with flexible endoscopes in the office and with handpieces during direct microlaryngoscopy. Case reports exemplify surgical outcomes. Complications will be addressed. If time allows, selected tips and tricks will be demonstrated on a workbench.

Congress Secretariat
GUARANT International spol. s r. o.
Českomoravská 19, 190 00 Prague 9
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 284 001 444

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